The Employability Manager is the Learning + Training Management System for high risk industries that are bound to legislation of the FDA (CFR 21 Part 11) and EU (EC: Eudralex Volume 4 Annex 11)
Does your organization work according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices )guidelines, which are set up for the pharmaceutical companies and other highly regulated industries? In which case you are required to accurately maintain the compliance of employees. Managing this process however can be a complex and time consuming process. What you are looking for is a software system that makes managing of training and education easier, yet at the same time complies with the regulations that apply within your industry.
The Employability Manager offers you the support and ease-of-use to help you maintain the compliance levels of employees. It is also a software system which contains all of the components required to be allowed to use within high risk industries:
Audit Trail:
To keep track at what is done in the system all critical actions are logged. The Audit trail records all changes and planned courses, registrations, log-ins etc. This includes the person who makes the actions and the date of the action. Even when these actions are made automatically by the system itself, for example planning a course again for the set interval time. This gives you the control to keep track of all the changes made in the system, who has made them and when.

Electronic signature:
To be able to execute critical actions within the system it is possible to make use of an electronic signature. This function will ask for a authorized person to fill in his or her user-name and password via a pop-up screen. For all e-signatures the audit trail records for which action it is, who has signed it and when. Once the proper person has filled in the proper details the action is executed by the system.
Electronic signature is used for allowing a person to fill in a course or for registering a training.

The Employability Manager is elaborately tested and validated, both by ourselves and by our customers. To guarantee quality every new version is developed, tested, validated and rolled out according to strict procedures. We also give customers the opportunity to validate new developments themselves if they wish to. Already since 1998 various customers have validated the Employability Manager.
To maximise security the Employability Manager uses an encrypted connection (https). This prevents others from intercepting data. To gain access to the system you need a user-name and password. We also have taken measures at server level, database level and user level to ensure the safety of your data. Moreover backups of the data are made to prevent loss of data. If you would like to know more about the security, please contact us.
Other components

You can keep track of their process and see whether somebody is learning, can work under supervision, can work independent or can teach others. The employability of an employee is only increased once all steps are registered in the system. On the job skills can also be recorded, you can read more on skills here