The Employability Manager is a Learning Management System which helps to simplify the education and training of an organization. It is a complete solution to determine the employability of employees and get the best out of your organization.
Originally the Employability Manager is developed to use in companies involved in process manufacturing. Many functionalities of the system have been developed as requests from process manufacturing companies.
Specific possibilities to educate operators:

Employability and Knowledge Gaps
Operators need the proper training to be able to carry out their job. Sufficient employability is essential and knowledge gaps should be minimal. The Employability Manager will help you to get a clear view of the employability of each operator for a certain work place of function.
Learn more on employability
Skills and Skills Matrix
Besides education, trainings and reading instructions, skills are also essential to properly carry out the tasks on a work place or function. The Employability Manager helps to get insight into the required skills, setting targets and keeping track of the historical records. The integrated skills matrix is the ideal tool for the job.
Learn more about skills
Personal development plan
The Employability Manager will help you during the entire HRM cycle. Making assessments, giving 360 degrees feedback to personal development plans, everything can be managed easily. It is even possible for operators to view and comment on their assessments and development plans.